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  • Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: The total output value of the national lithium ion battery industry will exceed 1.2 trillion yuan in 2022
    2023-03-21 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: The total output value of the national lithium ion battery industry will exceed 1.2 trillion yuan in 2022

         In 2022, China's lithium ion battery industry adhered to supply-side structural reform, accelerated technological innovation, transformation, upgrading, and development, continuously improving the supply capacity of advanced products, and generally maintained a rapid growth trend.

         First, the output continues to grow rapidly and the industrial scale continues to expand. According to industry standard announcements, enterprise information, and estimates by research institutions, the national production of lithium ion batteries in 2022 reached 750 GWh, with a year-on-year growth of more than 130%, with the production of energy storage lithium batteries exceeding 100 GWh; The output of lithium first stage materials such as positive electrode materials, negative electrode materials, diaphragms, and electrolytes was about 1.85 million tons, 1.4 million tons, 13 billion square meters, and 850000 tons, respectively, with year-on-year growth of over 60%; The industrial scale was further expanded, with the total industrial output value exceeding 1.2 trillion yuan.

        The second is to accelerate the expansion of industry applications, boosting the dual carbon process. In 2022, lithium batteries accelerated their rise and ushered in a growth window in the field of new energy vehicles, as well as in the field of wind energy storage, communication energy storage, household energy storage, and other energy storage fields. In 2022, the installed capacity of power batteries for new energy vehicles nationwide was approximately 295GWh, and the cumulative installed growth rate of lithium batteries for energy storage exceeded 130%. In 2022, China's lithium battery exports totaled 342.65 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 86.7%, making positive contributions to the efficient development and utilization of new energy and the green and low-carbon transformation of the global economy and society.

        Third, technological progress has accelerated and advanced products have emerged in an endless stream. Key enterprises have accelerated their layout around efficient system integration, ultra large capacity battery cells, and advanced battery products have a system energy density of over 250GWh/kg; New battery products that are flexible, low temperature resistant, and waterproof have been successfully applied to the Winter Olympics equipment; The new generation of information technology and new energy storage products are further integrated, and intelligent liquid cooling technology significantly enhances the thermal management level of energy storage systems, reducing system security risks.

        Fourth, the enthusiasm for investment in the industry is high, and the whole chain strengthens collaborative cooperation. According to incomplete statistics, in 2022, there will only be over 40 planned projects in the core sector, with a planned total production capacity exceeding 1.2 TWh and a planned investment of 430 billion yuan. The prices of upstream products fluctuated at high levels, and the prices of lithium secondary materials repeatedly rose and fell. The average prices of battery grade lithium carbonate and battery grade lithium hydroxide (micro powder grade) in 2022 reached 481000 yuan/ton and 464000 yuan/ton, respectively. Lithium battery companies strengthen upstream and downstream cooperation in the industrial chain through various forms such as investment and equity participation, signing long-term orders, and joint research.

  • TOB Technologies 18650-3800mAh power battery successfully went offline recently
    2022-04-02 TOB Technologies 18650-3800mAh power battery successfully went offline recently

          For a long time, in the field of cylindrical 18650 batteries, the recognized capacity limit in the industry is 3500mAh. Japanese and Korean companies firmly occupy the high-end market, and only a small number of domestic manufacturers can produce in small batches, with few breakthroughs. The research and development team of TOB Technologies overcame difficulties with perseverance, perseverance, and meticulous design. After more than three years of continuous failure, it finally achieved mass production of 18650-3500mAh power batteries in 2022, becoming one of the few enterprises in the industry that mastered the design and large-scale manufacturing of ultra-high capacity batteries.
          According to the R&D plan of "producing, developing, and reserving a generation", the R&D team of TOB Technologies, with the strong support of the company's leaders, actively challenged the 18650 battery with higher energy density. After more than two years and over a hundred DOE (DESIGN OF EXPERIMENT) experimental programs, they finally overcame various difficulties in the manufacturing process of ultra-high nickel materials and silicon anode materials, and successfully developed the 18650-3800mAh power battery, Become one of the industry leaders capable of producing cylindrical batteries with high energy density.
    18650-3800mAh power battery with a single voltage of 3.6V, an ultra-high nickel material (nickel 83 or above) for the positive electrode, and a high capacity silicon carbon material for the negative electrode. The weight of the battery core is only about 46g, the nominal energy is 13.68Wh, and the energy density is up to 290Wh/kg or above. It has excellent safety performance (can successfully pass rigorous heavy impact, extrusion, external short circuit, and other tests), excellent low-temperature performance (- 20 ℃, 1C can discharge more than 70% electricity) Supports 2C fast charging (over 70% full within 30 minutes) and 9A high current continuous discharge, which can be widely used in electric vehicles, electric bicycles, electric motorcycles, mobile power supplies, energy storage equipment, various electric tools, and other fields.

           The difficulties in the application of positive electrode ultra-high nickel materials lie in how to solve the safety issues, as well as the inability of slurry coating due to freezing during the manufacturing process, the vulnerability of the electrode sheet to brittle fracture after rolling, and the high gas production during formation. The difficulties in the application of negative electrode high-capacity silicon carbon materials lie in how to solve the problems of large expansion of silicon, poor cycling performance, and difficulty in uniform dispersion. The R&D team of TOB Technologies has properly solved the safety issues and process processing challenges of batteries by optimizing positive/negative electrode adhesives, conductive agents, additives, redesigning the electrolyte formula (optimizing the type and concentration of lithium salts, the type and proportion of main solvents, the type and amount of additives), ultra-high surface density electrodes, coating membranes, and other measures.

          The successful development of this product is not only a new breakthrough in the production technology of cylindrical batteries achieved by our company, but also another embodiment of the corporate spirit of "not seeking the maximum, but seeking the best".